Winter in Ohio 2019 52 week project #3

Ohio can be fickle. Warm sunny January days in the 60’s can let loose a snow storm the next day. Then it just might melt away, only to be hit a few days later with another snow. We’ve had a few pretty mild winters in a row now, so it stands to reason it was time for a bit more winter. Luckily for my husband and I we were planning a bit of a winter get away. Looking at the commitments we had we realized January was going to be the best time for a two week vacation…

The week before I was working to set up a show at OU-Lancaster. I visited the University on a cold Tuesday morning to help get the final pieces hung in the gallery. Afterwards I walked around in the cold to get a few pictures

John Bright #2 covered bridge at Ohio University – Lancaster Campus
Hoarfrost on the bushes near the creek.

Most of that snow had melted, but another snow event, followed by a deep freeze was expected for the weekend. Because of concerns about ice and power outages at work (which thankfully never occurred) we stuck around for an extra day. It rained most of Saturday, but gradually it got colder and on Sunday when we left we had to dig out of about 6 inches of snow.

It was a warm snow that was melting quickly but that was not to last. Luckily we were headed out and missed the cold arctic blast.

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