After spending all of last weekend as a vendor at Lily Fest, I went back with the Hocking Photo Group on Thursday so I could actually take some pictures. I used my manual 15mm lens which meant I had to get very close to the flowers to fill the frame..…
“ 28. Got Sand? -52Frames_abstract ”
On our way home from Mesa Verde we stopped for a little while at Great Sand Dunes. It was hot and muggy as it had just rained. I left this distant person in the shot because it gives it scale, but, I believe, still qualifies as abstract even with a…
“ 25. Rainbow Drops – 52Frames_leadinglines ”
I had some city pictures I had planned on using, but they were all sort of eh, and the leading lines weren’t that distinct, even though some of the shots were from the middle of the road. Last minute I looked for some ideas, and after the blah cloudy day…
“ 24, Money to Burn – 52Frames_Inspired by a Framer ”
Inspired by Marco Ciavolino’s One light source photo except that my money is smaller currencies. I also learned that you can’t scan US currency. I had done it before with foreign currency without an issue. (I had to take a photo), Photoshop won’t allow you to edit money (I had…
“ 23. Goldie – 52Frames_negativespace ”
The extra credit was using the Adamski effect. It does turn a rather boring picture into something very striking. I may be doing more of these. #adamskieffect #goldlacedwyandotte #chicken #specialeffects #52frames_negativespace #pictureaday #printsforsale #shoplocal
“ Small Towns – 52Frames_religion ”
The small town I live in has a multitude of churches. Two Presbyterian, a Methodist and a Catholic church are represented in this image. #multiexposure #religion #churches #composite #creative #52frames_religion
“ 21. Jewel Weed Leaf – 52Frames_lowkey ”
This was lit with a flashlight and the light actually went under part of the leaf giving it that glow. The right side, where the flashlight’s light was visible on the background was darkened in post. #lowkey #botanicals #wildflowers #jewelweed #sidelight #green #52Frames_lowkey
“ Preening Time-52Frames_Highkey ”
My computer was bogged down with conversions on all my photos from this weekend, so I grabbed the first acceptable high-key image I could get before the deadline. I will hopefully have more ready to share on my FB and website pages tomorrow.This little Yellow warbler was preening against the…
2023 Summer Reading Program Tucker and Cody
My newest “Tucker” picture for the summer reading program photography show. This time Cody gets to be in the show too. #alltogethernow #dogs #hippielife #colorful #retro #cooldogs #printsavailable #blacklab #beaglemix #rescuedogs #composite #sonya7riv #tamron28200 #digitalart #groovy #tiedie #seventies
“ 19. I don’t weigh THAT much! – 52Frames_details ”
At a bird banding station this morning this little guy watches as his measurements are recorded. He was a repeat visitor, having been banded in a different year. He managed to escape from the weight measurement tube before a reading could be made for that information. #birdbanding #repeatvisitor #chickadee #records…