Birds at the feeder today

We had some unexpected visitors at the feeder today so I spent a bit of time with my lens aimed out the window. If you are interested in prints of any of these pictures please let me know and I can add them to my catalog for ordering.

So the idea is to shoot like you are using film. I had some special visitors to the back yard so I really didn’t count as I snapped my pictures. With wildlife you take what you can get and more shots is generally better, I did count afterwards and I shot 32 pictures, so I was within the 36 of a large roll of film. The shot I chose was number 26, although I had a nice shot of a white crowned sparrow(also a first for seeing in my yard) at number 11. I was so excited to see these guys in my yard – first Indigo Bunting I have seen here and the first time I have gotten a decent picture of them.
Non breeding male Indigo Bunting
White Crowned Sparrow
Female House sparrow
Male House Sparrow
Downy woodpecker
Blue jay wondering what all the commotion is about.
And of course no feeder birds post would be complete without a tree rat…Eastern Gray Squirrel who had emptied the feeder onto the ground the day before.
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