Evolution of a Book Cover – 52 Week Project -12

In February and March I was working on the book design for Mike Ghere’s Harrow project. We had discussed the basics of the cover idea, now it was just putting it all together to make it work. I had meant to post these pictures when the book was released in late March, but somehow that didn’t happen. Hopefully you will enjoy this behind the scenes look at the cover process

Sand had to be dried, but meanwhile I took a picture of the damp mounded sand and Mike was able to use it to do promotion on his FaceBook page as the desert mine.
The cracked tablet with top secret information
And the blaster gun that Jessica Ghere created to go along with the story.
The first cover shoot.
First cover proofs after photo edits. Proofs came back much more yellow than we had expected and the Title seemed small on the bookshelf.
Second cover shoot with larger text. Tablet is turned sideways to better show the cracks.

Digital edits to the photo to give the blaster a glow and focus attention on the title.
The final completed cover.

Mike’s book is now available on Amazon. You can get a preview and purchase it here. If you get a chance to read it please be sure to leave him a review.

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