Galveston Island, Visiting the Border – 52week project -9

We were heading home, working our way North and East, and decided to head out to the ocean for our last few days. We have never had great luck on Galveston Island…but heck, let’s try it again.

Our first visit to Galveston in the 80’s, we arrived very late so we couldn’t camp. We ended up at the infamous Sea Horse Inn where we slept with the lights on and even that did not stop the roaches from making themselves known. The next night we got a site at the State Park, on the beach, where we fought all night with the wind to keep our tent up.

This time wasn’t much different, but having the van to stay in made it much more tolerable. We went shopping the first night, and had to drive to the restrooms at camp because there were several inches of water on the road that we didn’t want to have to wade through. In the morning it was gray, but only sprinkling on and off. We were part way down a trail when it started to rain and we managed to get back to the van before it let loose. We drove around a little and did some sightseeing from the vehicle. By lunch time we returned to camp, and ate lunch, watched movies, ate dinner, watched movies. The next morning we awoke, packed up, stopped to look at some birds in the rain from the van, and started the long trip home. I’m sure they have some nice weather on Galveston Island, we just haven’t managed to see it.
The park is very nice and has expanded it’s camping area since we had last been there. At the edges of the park you can see development in every direction, so it is very easy to see the importance of wildlife areas like these.

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