Great Seal State Park-Week Forty-Three 2017 52 Project

It started out as a trip to the Circleville Pumpkin Show. We had never been to it before and I was told that if you get there early on the first day that the crowds wouldn’t be too bad. So here we were, around noon on Wednesday, driving around Circleville unable to find a decent parking spot. The weather was wonderful, so perhaps that had something to do with it, but we decided we weren’t up to dealing with the crowds. A quick search for a nearby state park and we ended up at Great Seal State Park. It wasn’t real close, but I had never been there before, so why not?

This is definitely an edge of Appalachia park. Nothing is flat here. It was a beautiful fall day, and leaves had already started to fall. That made finding and staying on the trail a bit difficult at times. It is definitely a place I would like to return to when I have more time. We did a several mile hike and enjoyed the nice fall weather.

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