Magee Marsh – Sue Finch Photography and Design LLC

“ 19. Enjoying the Sunshine – 52frames_wideaperture ”

Chestnut sided warbler at Magee marsh on Friday. 6.3 is as wide as this lens goes at that focal length, which is also where I tend to leave it when shooting birds in the woods. The longer focal length still gives that shallow depth of field, even though 6.3 isn’t…

“ Preening Time-52Frames_Highkey ”

My computer was bogged down with conversions on all my photos from this weekend, so I grabbed the first acceptable high-key image I could get before the deadline. I will hopefully have more ready to share on my FB and website pages tomorrow.This little Yellow warbler was preening against the…

Magee Marsh-52 project 22

Mike and I were only able to spend a couple of days up at Lake Erie for the spring migrations this year, and the weather wasn’t great…but the birding still was. I managed to get a couple of pictures that I really like.

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