Week Twenty-four 2017 52 Project: Magee Marsh

This my third year going up to Magee Marsh for the annual bird migration. We visited May 14-17 after the “Big Week”. It is a beautiful area that offers excellent opportunities to see Warblers and lots of other birds that aren’t usually easy to see. When I say Magee Marsh, I am  including many of the other great birding areas nearby, Ottawa Wildlife Refuge, Metzger Marsh, Maumee Bay State Park. Many bird species stop here every spring to refuel before flying over lake Erie to their nesting grounds. Many also migrate here and spend the summer raising their young. Watching the birds plucking insects off of the surrounding bushes and trees makes you realize how much trouble we would be in if they were gone. The shear number of insects they can find and eat is amazing. We had been a bit spoiled on previous years, and warblers weren’t as easy to find or photograph this year, but there was plenty of other life out there to focus on.

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