The Lake Erie Light houses of Pennsylvania

Pennsylvania has three lighthouses on Lake Erie and two on inland bodies of water. Last weekend we visited the three on Erie.

Erie’s Land Lighthouse

Erie’s Land Lighthouse was originally known as the Presque Isle Light Station and was the first lighthouse on the Great lakes. Originally built in 1818 and re built twice. This structure was built in 1866 – 67, and was lit until 1899. It was renamed the Erie’s Land Lighthouse in 1870 when a light house was built on Presque Isle. After it was decommissioned the lantern room was removed and sent to Ohio for use on Marblehead. A new lantern room and roof were built in 2003 to match the original.

North Pier Head Light

Built in 1858 from Iron cast in France, this is a one of a kind Pier light.

Presque Isle Lighthouse

This light house was put into service in 1873, and still serves as an aid to navigation. Tours of the inside are available.

A view of the shore of Presque Isle
House boats, Yes, literally houses on boats, anchor in the safe harbors of Presque Isle. This one had a miniature pier light platform too.
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