UP a Tree (Arbor Day 2022)

A long time ago, when I was in High School, I started a bit of a photography project. In the past few years I have added to that project, but haven’t really done anything with the pictures. I call it my Up a Tree Series. In honor of Arbor Day, I thought it would be good to get some of these out there. I haven’t been printing them, as I don’t know that they would be something people would want for their walls. I do find them interesting though. It is a perspective that is readily available to us, but we rarely think to look at. What do you think?

  • Another to add to my Up-A-Tree series. Taken along the trail at Clearcreek Metro Park. #upatree #clearcreek #metropark #blackhandsandstone
  • An old Maple tree stretches to the sky at the Fairfield County Fairgrounds. #Maple #UpATree #TheOldOnes #cy365 #365project #LookingUp #197
  • Sunshine and blue skies through the sycamore branches at Stebelton park today after the Christmas at the mill show. #upatree #sycamore #goldenhour #bluesky #cy365 #365project #336
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