Day 13-14 – October 30-31

We were back on the road by 8:15, and were driving through three inches of snow in Wolf Creek Pass by 8:40. It was beautiful, but made for slow going. We worked our way across Colorado and Kansas. Mike car started acting up a bit but seemed ok. The next…

Day 12 – October 29th

After the cold night we decided it was time to start heading home. We had tickets for the 11:00 ranger tour of Balcony House so we packed up camp and stopped to see a few things we had missed on the route the day before on our way to the…

Day 11 – October 28

We left the hotel in Cortez and by 9:15 we were entering Mesa Verde National Park. We didn’t realize how seasonal this park is. We were lucky that we got there when we did. Only one small loop of the very large campground was open, and it was slated to…

Day 10 – October 27

We packed up camp and Headed for Petrified Forest National Park. We spent most of the day working our way down the road through the Park. There are lots of overlooks and short trails along the way. The south end of the park has more of the petrified wood, but…

Day 9 – October 26th

Before we had even decided to go west, I had mentioned an article to Mike and the kids. I was joking about how scientists come up with such original names for things. The article was talking about using the VLA to help interpret some strange readings from a system in…

Day 8-October 25

We started the day with the International UFO Museum in Roswell. It was an interesting place with large libraries of UFO reports and information. There was definitely some sort of cover up of something in Roswell. Whether it was aliens, or experimental testing etc. , we will probably never know.…

Day 6 Oct 23

It is time to leave Big Bend and move on to other places. There is something magical about this park. I usually like to see new places, but Big Bend is one of those places I have been to 3 times now, and I am sure someday we will return.…

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