2018 Picture-A-Day Project January
I am once again doing a 365 project this year. Please let me know if you are interested in prints of any of these pictures.
2018 Show Schedule
Here is a listing of my current show schedule. Come on out and see me, and as always, if you see something online and plan to be at one of my show you can save money on shipping-just contact me before the show and let me know which pieces you…
Super-macros Week Forty-Nine and Fifty 2017 52 Project
I’m running a bit behind, and running out of time so I’m combining these a bit. I spent some time working with a super macro lens and stacking. I need to look for some interesting really tiny things to make good use of this lens though, as even a Marmorated…
Boch Hollow – Week Forty-Eight 2017 52 Project
There’s a little known Nature Preserve just south of where I live called Boch Hollow. I haven’t been there in a while, but I signed up for a program to visit the permit portion of the park. We had a light snowfall the night before and I hadn’t been to…
Smeck Farm revisited – Week Forty-Seven 2017 52 Project
On December 2nd I participated in the Baltimore Holiday Market at Smeck Farm. Nearing sunset some puffy clouds moved in and the setting sun glinted off of the windmill.
Allerton Park-Week Forty-Six 2017 52 Project
Over Thanksgiving we were able to get out and enjoy some nice weather at Allerton Park in Illinois. It was a fun hike and got the dogs out for a while. Allerton is a park operated through the University of Illinois. Robert Allerton donated the land along with its collection of…
Smeck Historical Farm-Week Forty-Five 2017 52 Project
Sunshine. It seems like it has been sort of dreary lately, so on Tuesday when the sun came out I took a little drive. Mike and I will be participating in the Baltimore Holiday Market on December 2nd, so I thought I would visit the venue.
Mount Pleasant Photography Challenge Pictures-Week Forty-Four 2017 52 Project
One of the clubs that I am involved with had a list of places around Lancaster where they wanted us to take pictures so we could compare how different people look at the same thing and take different pictures. On October 31st I went downtown and shot a few of…
Great Seal State Park-Week Forty-Three 2017 52 Project
It started out as a trip to the Circleville Pumpkin Show. We had never been to it before and I was told that if you get there early on the first day that the crowds wouldn’t be too bad. So here we were, around noon on Wednesday, driving around Circleville…