Week Twenty-three 2017 52 Project: Mohican Wildlife Weekend

At the end of April every year the area around Mohican State Park hosts Wildlife Weekend. Mike and I were able to squeeze in an overnight there this year. We went on a birding boat tour at Clear Fork Reservoir, visited the Ohio Bird Sanctuary, and got in a nice hike near the covered bridge. Hopefully next year we will get to spend more time there. The cover image is a view of the Mohican covered bridge.

Clear Fork Reservoir
Red shouldered Hawk. Ohio Bird Sanctuary.
Barn Owl. One of the birds at the Ohio Bird Sanctuary.
Great Horned Owl. One of the birds at the Ohio Bird Sanctuary.
Grey Phase Screech Owl. One of the birds at the Ohio Bird Sanctuary.
Barn Owl at the bird show, Mohican Lodge.
Pileated woodpecker (Hylatomus pileatus) spent a lot of time on the ground searching for insects near our camping area.
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