Yellowsprings – Week Thirty-Six 2017 52 Project

On Wednesday, August 30th, Cathy and I took a road trip to Yellowsprings and visited the Tecumseh Sunflower Field and then stopped by the Glen Helen Nature preserve. There is a lot to see in the Yellowsprings area, and I highly recommend a visit. Clifton Gorge, Clifton Mill, and John Bryan State Park are all nearby, and the artsy town of Yellowsprings is worth a visit too. We didn’t have time to do all of that on this trip though.

Busy Bees
What a Difference a Day Makes
Standing Tall

Over Achiever
Painted Lady
The Jewel Weed seemed very happy throughout Glen Helen.
Both types of Jewel weed were growing along the trails.
Pompey’s Pillar
I usually won’t take pictures of Graffiti, but this one made me laugh…still inappropriate to deface the rocks though.
Cathy at the Yellow Springs. They aren’t as big as you would think, so it was nice to have someone in there for scale.
Yellow Springs
Building Cairns in the parks is discouraged. One isn’t really a problem, but then others see it and before long the whole stream bed is ripped up and aquatic animals are displaced. This one was rather artistic though.
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