Side Trips – Adventure at the Laura Ingalls Wilder Homestead

One of our first real stops (after visiting with family along the way) on our 2008 trip west was at the Laura Ingalls Wilder Homestead in DeSmet, SD. Jess had been reading the book series so it was fun to see where “By the Shores of Silver Lake” took place.

Almost as soon as we got there Jessica spotted the new colt that was only a few days old. She eventually gained its trust and was thrilled to be able to pet it.
Gotta get water for the Homestead.
Front row seat for the wagon ride to school.
Class at the one room school house.
Fields and sky as far as the eye can see – view from the barn.

Kevin wasn’t quite as interested in the farm trip, but he managed to enjoy it. Definitely a stop worth while for anyone who was a fan of her books.

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